Compete across different ASINs

This feature allows sellers to look up similar products (registered with Amazon under different ASINs), check out the competing offers and include them as competition when repricing their own listings.

In order to add related items to be included as competition when repricing, you'll have to follow these steps:

  • Go to Inventory
  • Select an item from your inventory
  • Open the Competition tab from the bottom slide panel


  • Click on ‘0 competing products’ (as shown in the image above) to add related items to include in competition when repricing
  • A search field will display, populated initially with the item's title (as shown below):


  • Each product shown under the Search Results can be added to the list of competing products by clicking on the ‘Add’ button next to it
  • Products can also be removed from your list of competing items by choosing the ‘Remove’ option.

Once you've added one or more competing products, Sellery will collect the price data from those listings. During the repricing cycle, it will look at all the offers for competing products together.

The lowest price and offer counts (if referenced in your pricing rules) will be taken into account when Sellery reprices your listing.

You can compare the details of your own product against the other products you choose by hovering over the ‘Details’ button as shown below.


Known limitations of this feature

Amazon provides extra details when you have a product listed under a certain ASIN. Since you are comparing against ASINs where you do not have your own listing, that extra data is not made available. Here is a list of known Amazon API limitations that impact this feature:

  • The Buy Box price of other listings cannot be targeted specifically.
  • Amazon Price refers to the lowest Amazon price amongst all competing products. So, for example, if you select 5 other ASINs to reference and Amazon sells on all of them, when your pricing rules reference 'Amazon's Price' it will be the lowest of all of Amazon's offers.
  • When Amazon shows up as a seller on my own listing and the competing products as well, Sellery uses the Amazon price on my own listing.
  • Seller identity is not available so filters referencing specific sellers will not be applied.
  • Featured Merchant status is not available so filters referencing them will not be applied.




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