After you scan an item, Profit Bandit shows you details about the item at the top of the screen:
Item Title & Image
A shortened version of the item's title is displayed in black text at the top of the screen. Tapping it will reveal the full title.
To the left, you'll see a thumbnail image of the item. Make sure what you're scanning matches this image!
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List Price
Below the title, you'll find the item's List Price. This is also known as the MSRP. Be aware that not all items have a List Price.
Under the Item Details header, you'll see the total number of offers and the lowest available offer. Note that we can't always show the lowest price for some conditions, due to limitations in Amazon's API.
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Sales Rank
Below the List Price, you'll see the item's Sales Rank in its category.
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Weight & Oversize Status
Below the Sales Rank, you'll see the weight of the item that we receive from the Amazon catalog, as well as an indication of whether this item is oversized or not.
Next to weight, you'll see the trade-in value of the item, if this information is available.
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Below the Weight, you'll see the category the item has been placed into, according to the the Amazon catalog.
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Action Buttons
The first action button is the Amazon button, which allows you to look up items you scan on Amazon. The yellow button adds the item to your Buy List. The green button lists your item for sale on Amazon.
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