Export Inventory to a File

Seller Engine Plus gives you the possibility to export your inventory list to a text file which can then be used in Excel or other applications to use the data however you need. 


To export inventory to a file follow the steps below

Step 1: Access the Inventory Export Wizard by clicking on 'Export' in the toolbar and selecting 'Export Inventory to a File'


Step 2: Choose which items you are exporting


Step 3: Select the file format in which you would like to export your inventory.



Exporting in a Custom format

Aside from the predefined formats you can also customize the export of data by choosing the custom format option.


Once you click Next the window will show a list of all fields available for export. Select the fields you wish to include in your file by checking the checkbox in the Export column next to Field Name.


• You can use the buttons at the bottom of this dialog to simplify the process of choosing what fields to export and the order in which they are arranged as columns in the exported file.

Button Action
Check All Turns on export for all possible fields.
Uncheck All Turns off export for all possible fields.
Move Up Moves the selected field up in the order of exported columns. The highest field will be the first column to appear in the exported file.
Move Down Moves the selected field down in the order of exported columns. The lowest field will be last column to appear in the exported file.


• Load/Save Fields Associations

If you will use this pattern again, Click the 'Load/Save' button and choose 'Save Current Field Associations'. Browse to the location in which you'd like to save the pattern, type a file name, and click 'Save'.

If you have already created a custom pattern, Click 'Load/Save' and choose 'Load Field Associations'. Browse to your saved file in the Open File dialog and then click 'Open'.


• By default, SellerEngine Plus assigns your exported column the same name it had in SellerEngine Plus. If you wish to change the name of a column, click on it in the 'Output Field Name' column and type the new name.


• When you're done click Finish, in the 'Export inventory to' dialog window that appears, browse to the location in which you'd like to save your file, type a file name, and click 'Save'.


• If you selected the UIEE file format, you will be prompted for your FillZ username. Type it in and click 'OK'.


• The exporting status bar appears, then it disappears when the file has been saved. You can now open your file in other applications.


For more instructions watch our tutorial video on custom imports and exports of data:

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