SKU Management

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. SKUs are unique identifiers used to keep track of your listings. Each SKU represents an item (ASIN) with a condition associated to it. You may have multiple quantity associated with one SKU - in order to create a separate offer for the same item, you need a new SKU.

Merchant SKUs are mandatory for creating new listings on Amazon. In this article you will find detailed instructions on how to use SellerEngine Plus for generating Merchant SKUs automatically.


Set up the SKU Configuration

Before you start adding items first you need to make sure that the SKU Configuration is set up the way you want it. Follow steps below to set it up:


• From the Inventory menu, choose 'SKU Configuration'. 


• In the upper left side, type in any Static Identifiers that may apply to you. These will be the same in each of the generated SKUs.

• In the upper right side, create your 'Sequence 1 position'. This will allow you to create a format for incrementing your SKUs that ensures you do not generate duplicate SKUs.

• Next to the words 'Sequence 1 Position' select or type the number with which you want your first SKU to start from.

• Next to the words 'with no. of digits' select or type the number of digits that the numerical sequence will have.
Example: If the number of digits is set to 4 and your Sequence 1 position set to 25, SellerEngine Plus generates the number 0025.

• Go to the box at the bottom of the SKU configuration screen that says 'Merchant-SKU' and click on the 'Add' button below.

• Click under the Value field next to the number 1 that appears. A dropdown menu will allow you to select one of the item attributes to be included in the SKU:

• Choose the value you want for the beginning of your SKU. Each of the fields in the configuration screen can be assigned values which can be added to your SKUs.

• Repeat steps 4-6 to add another part of your SKU. You can add several different parts to your SKU, or keep it simple, just repeat the Add process for each part. You can choose separators to make your SKU more readable, and you can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons under the Merchant SKU box to arrange them.

• For the part of your SKU you want to increment, choose 'Sequence 1'. That will start with the number you chose in Sequence 1 and increment from there with each new SKU.

Note: You can also set up the 'Sequence 2 position' and use it in your SKUs.

• To set up Local SKUs, follow the same process on the Local SKU box in the lower right side of the dialog box.

• When your SKUs are configured the way you want them, click 'OK'.

Note: If you plan to install SellerEnegine Plus on multiple computers, make sure to change the default SKU configuration on each computer right after finishing the installation so that if you add new items you don't generate duplicate SKUs. 


Reassign SKUs

If you have items that are already in your inventory which have incorrect SKUs assigned or do not have any SKUs assigned, you can reassign their SKU values using your new automatically generated SKUs:

• Select the items in your inventory whose SKUs you want to change.

• From the Inventory menu, choose 'Reassign SKU Values for Selected Items' or right-click on selection and choose 'Reassign SKU Values'. The SKU Generator dialog box appears:


• Check the boxes if you want to restrict which items get reassigned. Otherwise leave them blank.

• Look at the sample SKU displayed in the box. To edit it, click the 'Configure' button below it and edit your SKU configuration as described in the section above.

• Click 'OK'. Your SKUs are reassigned.


Additional resources

Here is a tutorial video that explains how SKUs can be configured and assigned:

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