New items are added to the local inventory database using the New Inventory Item dialog. If you want to list FBA and want to add items to inventory and shipments use the Quick Add tab.
To open up the New Inventory Item window you can take the following actions:
1) From the Inventory menu, select 'Add Book' or 'Add Other Item' and choose the type of item you are adding.
2) In the main toolbar click the 'Add' button and select the type of item you are adding.
NOTE: These item type options are templates - you can use either one if you add items that don't belong to these predefined item types.
The New Inventory Item window pops up with the template for the item type you are adding. If you are adding several items with similar characteristics, you may want to edit and save your template so that you won't have to set the same values in the same fields for each new item you add.
• To add a new item, use a barcode scanner to scan the item in to the Product ID field. Before scanning make sure all details are set for the item (Quantity, Reprice schema, Paid Price, Minimum Price, etc.), then use your scanner to fill in the Product ID or type in the Product ID (ASIN, UPC, EAN, or ISBN) for the item.
• To assign SKUs for the items make sure that the SKU configuraiton is set up according to your needs. You can also assign SKU values to items after they are added.
• Select the correct condition for your item.
• Enter any other information you would like to add for the item at this time. This information can also be edited later.
• In the 'Product ID' text entry box under 'Item Details', enter the ISBN, ASIN or UPC number of your item.
• When you use a scanner, if it is set to automatically send a carriage return after scanning, it will have the effect of pressing the 'Add' button and so the item will be added automatically to your inventory, clearing the New Inventory Item dialog and making it ready for your next product entry.
• If you type in the product ID, press the 'Enter' key to add the item and keep the dialog box up, or click 'Add & Close' to close the dialog after adding all details for the item.
• If you do not know the product ID for your item, you can try finding it in the Amazon catalog using the item lookup.
• When you are done adding items, choose Add & Close for your last item. If the dialog is empty and you have no more items to add, click 'Cancel' to close the dialog.
• If there are multiple ASINs in the Amazon catalog associated with the same product ID, you are given the option to choose under which catalog page (ASIN) to list your item (see screen shot below). You can also set the software to automatically choose the ASIN with the best sales rank in Preferences.
Choosing one of the ASINs populates the 'Asin1' field in order to tell the software which ASIN to use for price check.
• After adding a new item, the software checks your inventory database for duplicates using the Product ID field then retrieves the ASIN and it checks for duplicates again using this field as well. If a duplicate is found and it has the same condition as the item you are adding then the Possible Duplicate Offer popup window appears (see screen shot below) giving you two options: to create a separate listing or to update the quantity, local SKU, and item note for the already existing listing.
New Inventory Item window fields:
Field | Action |
Item Details for Book | |
Product ID | Scanned bar code, ISBN, EAN, ASIN, or UPC |
Magnifying glass and globe icon | Action: Opens Amazon's web page of listings available for sale for the ProductID entered in your browser. |
Released | Date item was released - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Title | Title of item - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Condition | Once an item has been listed you cannot change its condition without removing and relisting it. Select conditions from a drop-down menu of standard Amazon conditions. |
Manufacturer | Company which produces the item; publisher in the case of books - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Media | Hardback, paperback, etc. - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Media Number | Number of items contained in an item (for example a book can consist of 2 volumes or an audio disc of 2 cds) - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Weight | Weight of the item - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Weight icon | Action: allows you to select unit of weight measurment |
Amazon Information | |
Merchant SKU | Your Merchant-assigned Stock Keeping Unit. Once an item is listed, you cannot change its SKU without removing and relisting it. |
Filing Cabinet Icon | Opens the SKU Configuration dialog. |
Local SKU | A local Stock Keeping Unit. Can be automatically assigned or entered manually. |
Browse Path | The path to take when browsing for a specific item. Sample browse path: Foreign Language:Spanish:Drama |
Image URL | Web location for an image of the item. |
Asin 1 | ASIN for alternate publication of the same product. |
Asin 2 | ASIN for alternate publication of the same product. |
Asin 3 | ASIN for alternate publication of the same product. |
Tax Code | Allows you to manually define the tax code for the item you are adding |
Selling Details | |
Price | Your selling price for the item. |
Paid Price | The price you paid for the item. |
Quantity | The number of items which you have available for sale under the same SKU. |
Shipping Fee | Your shipping fee. |
Ship To | Select from the drop-down menu; you can choose between domestic and international shipping |
Location | Additional location information you may want to track - typically used for defining the warehouse location of the item |
Expedited Shipping (deprecated) | Check the box to make expedited shipping available for the item, then select the type of expedited shipping from the dropdown that appears once Expedited Shipping is checked. |
Minimum Price | The minimum price you are willing to sell the item for. This can be referenced in your reprice schemas when setting up lower limits, it is not correlated with the minimum price on Amazon. |
Maximum Price | The maximum price you want to sell the item for. Like the minimum price, this value can also be referenced in your reprice schemas, it is not correlated with the minimum price on Amazon. |
Reprice Schema | Select one of your reprice schemas from the drop-down menu to apply it to the item. |
FBA Specific | |
Sorter | This dropdown allows you to assign a Sorter to the item |
Sorter Wizard button | Opens the Sorter Wizard allowing you to configure a new sorter |
Send to FBA | Checking this option will add the item also to a FBA shipment |
Add cases | When this option is checked two new fiedls appear:
Check This Item Now | Check this box to run a price check for this item as it is added. Note: This is selected by default as part of the book template, but not for the other product types. You may wish to enable it and save the setting for the other product types as well. |
Print Label | Check the box to print a label for the item when the dialog is closed. Note: A label will not be printed when adding an item unless both checkboxes 'Check this item now' and 'Print label' are checked. |
Required | Shows the color in which required fields are highlighted. |
More Details for Book | |
User Data | Value |
Product Group | It shows the category in which the item belongs within the Amazon catalog |
Authors | Authors and/or Editors of the item - value retrieved from Amazon. |
Edition | Item's edition - retrieved from Amazon |
Size | Enter size description for the item. |
Set Tab Order button | Allows you to configure the order in which fields are edited |
Popup item note editing after scan | Description box opens after scanning item for editing. |
Item Note | The information typed here will be displayed on your listing as the Item Note. |
Description icon | Opens the list of commonly used phrases. Selecting one of the predefined notes will append it to the contents of your Item Note field. Select 'Edit Phrases' from the list to edit the list of predefined phrases. |
Buttons | |
Save as Template | Action: Allows you to modify the template for the item type you are editing. |
Set Tab Order | Action: opens the Customize Tab Order dialog to assign the order in which you can tab through the fields while entering data. |