Price Status Flags

When you run a price check, a Price Status Flag is set for each item and appears in the Price Check Status column of the Inventory Grid. These are customizable to be displayed according to your settings. To configure the definitions of these flags:

1 ► From the Inventory menu, select 'Price Status Flags'.

2 ► In the Price Status Flags dialog which appears, each possible flag is displayed on the left. Next to each flag is a checkbox. If a box is selected, its flag will be enabled for use.


  • smiley-face-icon.png  Happy Face - By default, this displays when you and Amazon are the only sellers. If you change the number of sellers from 0 to 5, for instance, the Happy Face will display if there are 5 sellers plus you and Amazon for the item.
  • silver-cup-icon.png Silver Cup - By default, this displays when you and Amazon are the only sellers in your condition category (New, Used, or Collectible). If you change the number of sellers from 0 to 5, for instance, the Silver Cup will display if there are 5 sellers plus you and Amazon who are offering the item in the same condition category as your item.
  • arrow-down.png Green Down Arrow - By default, this displays when you have the lowest price in your condition category for the item. Changing the number of sellers to 5, for example, will display this icon if you are within the 5 lowest prices for the item in your item's condition category.
  • red-flag.png Red Flag - Shows if your position in the seller's list displayed by Amazon for this item is below the number set in the drop down menu. Change your position in the seller's list by lowering your price and/or improving your rating.
  • blue-arrow-down.png Blue Down Arrows - By default, this displays if your price is lower than the average price by more than 50%. Use the drop down menus to configure what price to base the flag on (highest, lowest, recommended, average), and by how much you are willing to be lower than that price without setting the flag. This can be defined both in percentage and currency.
  • red-arrow-up.png Red Up Arrows - By default, this displays if your price is higher than the average price by more than 50%. Use the drop down menus to configure what price to base the flag on (highest, lowest, recommended, average), and by how much you are willing to be higher than that base price without setting the flag.  This can be defined both in percentage and currency.
  • green-checkmark.png Green Check - If none of the other conditions are matched, your price is considered OK and the green check is displayed.

3 ► Click 'OK' to save your changes and close the dialog box. Click 'Cancel' to cancel the changes you made to the price status flags and close the dialog box.

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