The Shipment Grid displays information for the items in the selected shipment.
To sort by the value in a particular column:
- Click in the column header you want to sort by.
- To reverse the order click on the column header again.
- The column being sorted by will have a small arrow displayed.
- If you add an inventory item into a sorted list, it will fall into the correct place in the sorted inventory list.
To change the display of your columns choose one of these methods:
- Click on the column header and drag it to the desired position. You can scroll over by dragging it to the header portion at the far right or left of the screen. The columns will scroll over. When it is in the desired position, release the mouse button.
- Use the 'Customize Grid Columns' dialog, which can be accessed by the following methods:
- Right mouse click anywhere in the Shipment gridlist and select 'Customize Grid Columns' from the drop-down menu.
- Select 'Customize Columns' from the 'View' menu.
The shipment grid is refreshed while adding items to it, so that you can see the last item scanned on the screen.
Column Name | Column Description |
Inventory Quantity |
The total number of copies of the item you have in stock, associated with this specific SKU. This is the quantity shown in inventory and is updated automatically every time the user receives an order for that item through SellerEngine Plus. Amazon Fulfilled orders do not impact the quantity displayed, unless you download your listings from Amazon. |
Amazon Quantity | All listings designated to be fulfilled by Amazon included in sent shipments, whether Amazon has inventory in hand or not. The quantity is updated when downloading the FBA Inventory Report (AFN) from Amazon or importing it from a text file. |
Shipment Quantity | The number of items for the SKU which are included in the particular shipment. |
Price Check Status | The progress and status of your price check on this item. The meaning of the icons can be configured through the Price Status Flags dialog. |
FNSKU | Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit - Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to each unit (defined by Merchant SKU and condition). |
Price | The price you have set for that item. |
Last checked date | The time of the last price check performed for the item. |
Labels Printed so Far | The number of labels previously printed for that particular item. |
Shipment Preparation Status | This is a Legacy column that no longer contains any information and which will be removed from future SE Plus releases. |
Sorter | The name of the sorter associated with the entry. |
Sorter result | If a sorter has been run on the item, the result, either 'keep' or 'throw' displays here. |
Amazon warehouse condition | The condition of the item in the Amazon warehouse. |
Number of discs | Thew number of discs included in the item. |
Number of pages | The no. of pages of the book. |
Number of items | The number of items included in the product. |
No. | The database index number for your item. This is useful only for keeping track of where an item is located in the list as it currently displays. Note: when you resort the list, the indices of your items will change. If the list is sorted by this column, adding an item will simply add it to the end of the list. |
Item Type | Book, DVD, software, etc. |
ASIN/ISBN/UPC/EAN | The Product ID used to identify the item. |
Product ID Type | Specifies what type of Product ID is displayed in the ASIN/ISBN/UPC/EAN field. |
Reprice Schema | The Reprice Schema assigned to this item. |
Price | The price you have set for that item. |
No Reprice | When this flag is set, if you have a reprice schema assigned to your item, the application will not change the price field during a reprice operation, but rather set the new calculated price to the Recommended Price field. If no schema is assigned to the item, this field is ignored. |
Recommended Price | The price recommended by the reprice schema assigned to the item. Value is set after a reprice is completed. |
Last Price | The price you had assigned to your item before running a price check on that item. |
Amazon Price | Shows the price Amazon has listed for the item new. If Amazon does not offer the item, a price will not appear. |
Listed on Amazon | Values:
My Price on Amazon | The current price at which you have the item listed on Amazon. |
Title | The title of the product (automatically retrieved from Amazon). |
Merchant SKU | Displays your Merchant SKU for the listing. |
My Price on Amazon | Your Local SKU for the item. Note: Local SKUs can not be sent to Amazon or retrieved from Amazon. |
Export to Amazon | Defines whether an item is included in export operations. If the option is set, it will be included when uploading items to amazon or exporting the inventory to a file. |
Delete from Amazon | Defines whether the item will be removed from your listings on the next upload. This is one of the ways to remove listings from Amazon. |
Condition | The item's condition. See the Amazon condition definitions for more information. |
Item Note | Your description of the item. |
Item Description | Old Zshop field still available but no longer in use on Marketplace. |
Authors | The item's author, editor, or manufacturer. |
Browse Path | Old Zshop field still available for your own use but no longer in use on Marketplace. |
Category description | The categories which Amazon has assigned to to the items, by theme. |
Subject Category | The categories which Amazon has assigned to the items, by subject. |
International Shipping | Values:
Shipping Estimation | Estimated shipping cost that the customer will need to pay. |
Open Date | Date when the item was first listed on Amazon. Can only be retrieved by an open listings report. |
Manufacturer | Company that provides item (the publisher in the case of books). |
Release Date | Item release date (by publisher). |
Listing ID | Unique id for your listing provided by Amazon. |
List Price | The item's MSRP, what the publisher recommends that the retailer sell the book for. Amazon almost always sells below this, as do independent sellers. |
Sales Rank | Displays the Amazon sales rank for the item. This can vary dramatically from hour to hour, so use this column with care. |
Last Checked Date | The date of the last price check affecting the item. |
Availability | Whether Amazon and other sellers have the book in stock. |
Lowest Price | The lowest price on Amazon (including other sellers). |
Highest Price | The highest price on Amazon (including other sellers). |
Average Price | The average price on Amazon. |
Paid Price | The price you originally paid for the item (value can be set when adding or editing an item). |
Location | Local-only field used for keeping track of any location data you might need about your item. |
Media | Hardback, paperback, etc. |
Media Number | Number of items contained in an item (for example a book can consist of 2 volumes or an audio disc of 2 CDs). |
Weight | Weight of the item. |
Provider | The source from which you obtained the item. |
User Data | Information input by the user for their own reference. |
Number of Sellers | The number of other Amazon sellers who have active listings for the item. |
Buyer Waiting Price | If the item is not currently available on Amazon, the price at which waiting buyers have specified they would like to pay for the item. |
Number of Sellers with Condition New | The number of other Amazon sellers who have active listings for the item with condition New. |
Number of Sellers with Condition Used | The number of other Amazon sellers who have active listings for the item with condition Used. |
Number of Sellers with Condition Collectible | The number of other Amazon sellers who have active listings for the item with condition Collectible. |
Average New Price | The average price of the item in condition New. |
Average Used Price | The average price of the item in condition Used. |
Average Collectible Price | The average price of the item in condition Collectible. |
Average Collectible Price | The average price of the item in condition New. |
Highest Used Price | The average price of the item in condition Used. |
Highest Collectible Price | The average price of the item in condition Collectible. |
Image URL | An URL associated with an image for this item. |
Category ID | The ID of the item's category |
Category | The category for this item. |
Expedited Shipping | A checkbox field that if checked, makes the item available for expedited shipping. |
Studio | The studio where the DVD/CD was recorded. |
Lowest New Price | The average price of the item in condition New. |
Lowest Used Price | The average price of the item in condition Used. |
Lowest Collectible Price | The average price of the item in condition Collectible. |
ListedState | Indicates whether the item is part of the FBA program and being sent to an Amazon fulfillment center or Merchant Fulfilled. An item is merchant fulfilled if it is ordered on Amazon and shipped to the customer by the third party seller, not by Amazon. All items in the shipment grid will show as Amazon Fulfilled. You may also offer the item as Merchant fulfilled, however, it will have a separate listing. |
Custom Condition | Value set by user to use when editing SKU and item description to differentiate between identical items in slightly different conditions. |
Destination Warehouse | When scanning an item into a shipment the software is instantly getting the Amazon warehouse where that item needs to be sent. If you scan an item which needs to be sent to a different warehouse than the rest of the shipment, you are notified during scanning, and the item is colored in yellow in the shipment grid. |
Error | When getting an error message while adding items to the shipment, the error message will show up in this error column as well. |
ASIN 1, ASIN 2, ASIN 3 | Old zShop fields that are no longer in use on Marketplace. |