To customize the toolbars found at the top of the application window, right-click anywhere on them then click the Customize option.
The Customize window appears with the 'Toolbars' tab in focus.
• The available toolbars are listed, with checkboxes next to them. The Inventory toolbar cannot be hidden, so its checkbox is grayed out. Deselecting the other checkboxes will result in the toolbar not being displayed.
• Here you have the choice of adding new toolbars, deleting or renaming them. You can also use the reset button which will bring the Pricer Toolbar and Inventory Toolbar to their default state. Press the New button and give a name to the new toolbar.
• In the 'Commands' tab you can drag buttons from the Customize window and drop them in the new toolbar that you have just created and enabled. This way you can build up your own customized toolbar.