► Getting Started with SellerEngine Plus


• You can use SellerEngine Plus with your Amazon Pro Merchant selling account on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.


• The software can help you save time with managing inventory and MFN orders, repricing, product research, and creating shipments along with printing individual FBA labels.


• After making sure you meet system requirements, sign up for a free trial here, and download here.



  1. Double click on the installer you downloaded and click 'Next'.
  2. Choose your installation directory. By default the software will install in a path similar to the example below:
    C:\Users\CURRENT_USER\AppData\Roaming\SellerEngine Plus
    If you want to change the installation folder make sure it is included in a location that is accessible to current user, such as C:\Users\CURRENT_USER\SEplus. It is advisable to create this directory beforehand, and then point the installer to it. 
  3. Continue through all screens of the installation wizard, and when you are ready, click Install.
  4. Once setup is complete, choose whether to launch SellerEngine Plus or not, and click Finish.

Note: Right clicking and running the .exe file as Administrator can help solve certain access issues you might run in to when trying to start the software.


►Log in

When you run SE Plus for the first time you'll need to log in through the Welcome Window.

To log in:

► use your Amazon account email

► and your SellerEngine account password.




►Authorize access to the Amazon SP-API

1. SellerEngine Plus will need you to authorize it for Amzaon's Selling Partner API.
Go to File > Preferences > Amazon Information, and click the Authorize Now button. 



2. The "Authorize Now" button will take you to Seller Central - you may need to log in at this point. After that, you'll need to review and grant SellerEngine Plus access to the Selling Partner API:



3. Complete the authorization process by checking the confirmation box and clicking the Confirm button.


To double-check that SellerEngine Plus is now able to retrieve data from Amazon make sure there's a green checkmark icon in the bottom-left corner of the SellerEngine Plus window:




►You're all set up. Get started!

Now that the software is all set up take the time to go through different settings and options in Preferences and populate your inventory database by one of these methods:

download inventory from Amazon

► add items one by one 

import items in bulk


You'll be able to manage your current inventory, set prices for your items, create and manage FBA shipments, do product research, and more.


If you have any questions please contact our Support Team - we are available to answer your questions via email or phone every week-day from 2am to 5pm Pacific time. 

We can schedule call-and-screen-sharing sessions to help you with the initial setup and show you how the software works so feel free to contact us for a free setup and demo call.

Have more questions? Submit a request
