Settings > Exports
You can create and download a file containing data about your inventory. Any data you can see in the inventory grid can be exported into a file. To create a new export, click the button labeled ‘Add Export’.
A new box will display to the right. In that box you can name, delete and save your export.
You can also tell Sellery which columns you’d like to export (again by clicking the ‘+’ symbol) and from which Smart List (or Whole Inventory).
You have the option to check a box to include zero quantity items.
In this same box, you can schedule your export (either as a one time event or repeating) and select existing Sellery users to receive an e-mail notification when an export is processed.
For recurring exporting needs, you can create an export and set up a schedule for Sellery to automatically generate your export either once, daily, weekly, or monthly at a specified time. To schedule your export, select the (change) link next to ‘Not scheduled’ at the bottom of your export setup panel.
When you’re finished creating your export, select the button to ‘Export Now’. Then navigate to the ‘Recent Exports’ tab to download your export by clicking on ‘Complete’ in the status column of your export overview.
Each user selected from ‘Notify when done’ will receive an e-mail letting them know when an export has been completed.
You can set up and schedule as many exports as you need.