Settings > Warehouses
Warehouses are a user-defined field meant to identify the physical location of your Merchant Fulfilled items. FBA items will automatically be assigned to the appropriate warehouse in Sellery.
Warehouses can be named anything you like, i.e. WH-D, Library Sale, Under the sofa, etc.
Note that Warehouses are not the same as Location, which can also be set this way.
Using both fields allows you for more specificity and flexibility. For example, “My Bedroom” could be a Warehouse and “Under the bed” could be a Location.
When you select Warehouses from the Settings menu, you will see a list of your current warehouses. You can add new warehouses and delete or rename existing ones.
When you select a current warehouse from the list, a menu opens to the right with a breakdown of all venues associated with your seller account. Under each account, you can enter any notes, such as ships from xxx or item type (i.e. clothes), etc.
Make sure you click Save when finished. You can edit the order in which this note appears under Settings > Accounts by simply clicking and dragging the boxes to reorder.
The list of Warehouses created here will be displayed on the Receiving page so that whenever you scan an item into your inventory, you can indicate its Warehouse.
Note: If you upload your items in bulk, you can create a Warehouse column in your file and it will be mapped appropriately in Sellery. You can also use the upload function to create new Warehouses.
You can also edit an item’s Warehouse individually by navigating to Inventory, then selecting an item, clicking on the details tab and then choosing Stock.