Clicking the Inventory section will show you all of the items that have been added into your database so far (public on Amazon or not).
If you click on the small, gray arrow in front of Inventory, you will see a drop down menu of your Smart Lists. You have the option to create new Smart Lists or edit existing ones:
The Inventory Grid
The Inventory grid displays information on the items in your inventory. See information such as SKU, ASIN, Title, Author, Publisher, Binding, Product Group, Quantity, Weight, Warehouse, Condition, Supplier, FBA, Note, Reference Price, and Lead Time to Ship. To resize your columns, simply click and drag or click the two facing arrows on the far right. Use the arrows on the left to navigate through your inventory and refresh whenever necessary. You can sort your Inventory using any of the columns by clicking the header title.
To see items in your inventory with a quantity of zero, check the ‘show zero quantity items’ option on the top of your grid view. Zero quantity items will appear in a lighter shade of text than items with current quantity of 1 or more. Please note, only items that have been zeroed out since they’ve been in Sellery will show here.
You also have the option of customizing the Inventory grid to only show the columns you find necessary. To do so, all you have to do is click on the 'customize columns' button.
You can choose to reorder the columns by dragging them one over the other or completely remove them.
Smart Lists
Smart Lists are the way to get things done in Sellery. They are essential to successful:
multi-marketplace listing
competition monitoring
stock tracking
product research
- sales velocity insights
Smart Lists are dynamically updating subsets of your inventory defined by common characteristics.
For Example:
Smart List: Items in my Inventory that fall under the Books product group with a sales rank on higher than 100000.
This Smart List filters items based on product group and sales rank information. But as you can see, you have many filtering options to choose from in order to give your smart lists the most flexibility.
You can apply custom settings to each smart list including:
Pricing Rules
Shipping Rates
Which venues to display the listings
Then, once an item no longer qualifies to be in that list, it will get different custom settings applied based on it’s new Smart List association.
In addition, you can use Smart Lists to narrow your inventory into many smaller lists so that browsing is easier and you can focus on taking action based on your personal business demands.
For Example:
Smart List: All the items where my stock levels are fewer than 5
Smart List: I am the only seller for this item on
In order to create a new smart list, click on New Smart List, enter a name and click OK.
Once you’ve saved your new Smart List, the filter box will automatically display. If you need to go back later and edit your Smart List again, simply locate it from the list on the left and click on the round cog button to edit the details.
You will see a prompt with the Settings of your Smart List. You have several expanding menus of filters, grouped as follows:
- Competition: marketplace specific details that frequently change (i.e.: Buy Box and lowest prices, average price, number of offers, is sold by Amazon).
- Item details: things that rarely change about the item (ie: title, product group, dimensions, etc.). As well as sales rank.
- My Custom Fields: shows you all custom fields you have already created to be used as a filter. You can even add a new custom field when creating a smart list.
- My Listings: allows you to identify items where you have the new or used BuyBox.
- My sales: allows you to identify units sold on a particular venue for a variety of date ranges.
- My stock details: attributes specific to my items (ie: is FBA, qty, cost, date added, etc.).
You can combine as many filters as you want and require the items to satisfy every filter you use (all) or just meet one or a few of the filters that you define (any).
Once you’ve defined and saved your Smart List(s), you can select it to view the inventory items now associated with each list. An item in your inventory can belong to multiple Smart Lists, but will only be repriced using one specific pricing rule as dictated by your Pricing Overview (see Settings).
Details Panel
The Details Panel is a window with multiple tabs that displays on the lower half on your Inventory grid view.
If you are in the Inventory section and select an inventory item, the Details Panel shows a total of six tabs: Details, Stock, Competition, BuyBox+Lowest Prices, Pricing Log and Price History. See below for details on each tab.
Details Panel Tabs
The Details tab shows product features and details from the product page on Amazon. You can check the product’s image, title, publisher, list price, number of pages, weight, dimensions and much more.
This tab shows Stock details related to your inventory item such as: quantity, cost, date it was added to your Sellery inventory, item notes, condition, warehouse, location, SKU, batch, supplier and whether or not the item is FBA.
In this tab, you can also manually edit your cost, item note, condition (if listing is Merchant Fulfilled), warehouse and location by clicking into the field, making your changes and hitting enter on your keyboard. You can only manually change the quantity on your merchant fulfilled items by clicking on the existing stock quantity, inputting the new number and hitting Enter on your keyboard. Changes to your FBA quantity will be pulled directly from your Seller Central account every 6 hours.
On the right side of this tab you can see another small arrow. If you click on it, a grid will show you the update history of your stock, this includes changes to an item's cost as well. You will also see quantity changes due to sales, changes for FBA items coming from reports, and quantity changes from listings reports if you are using the ‘disable inventory management’ feature.
The Competition tab lists what Amazon calls ‘buckets’, which are comprised of sellers with similar profiles selling the selected item on the selected account. However, if Amazon sends Sellery a 'pricing event' via their Subscriptions API, you will see sellers in the Competition tab identified individually, with their seller nicknames and a green flag in the upper right hand corner of the details panel.
Also in this tab, you can click a link to view the product page on Amazon and also filter competition results by Condition. A timestamp is visible so you can see when the data was last retrieved from Amazon. Buy Box Detection is indicated with the golden star (new) or the silver star (used).
Buy Box + Lowest Prices
The Buy Box + Lowest Prices tab shows you the Buy Box and Lowest prices on each existing condition and fulfillment method.
Pricing Log
Here you will find an explanation of when the selected item was last priced, which pricing rule was applied, what Smart List the item is in and how the price was calculated. You will also notice a summary on whether the special cases you've set up in your pricing rule are applicable or not. The log will display in your home venue currency, as well as the account’s currency if it is on a non-home venue.
Below is an example of what a pricing log looks like for Merchant Fulfilled items:
The top line displays information about when the item was last priced and which pricing rule and smart list association was used to determine that price.
Below that is a breakdown of the calculation used to determine your final price for that particular item, as well as the estimated profit at that final price.
- Cost is required for all items in your inventory and is essential in calculating your item’s Minimum Price. Cost is what you paid for the item.
- Markup is a value, either % or dollar amount, that is calculated on your cost. You can use this to inflate your Minimum Price.
- Cost to ship this item refers to your cost to get this item to the buyer or Amazon Fulfillment warehouse. This is set up in your Shipping Carriers and Overviews under Settings.
- Variable Closing Fee is a value added to the minimum price calculation. This value is a flat rate Amazon fee added on top of the commission charged.
- Amazon Commission is calculated using your minimum price and the Amazon Commission fee associated with the listing’s product group. See Seller Central Fees and Pricing for current rates.
- Margin value added to Minimum Price meant to represent the lowest margin of profit guaranteed on each sale.
The specific formula used to calculate the minimum price for Merchant Fulfilled items (for all math enthusiasts out there!) is:
((cost + (cost * markup)) + (shipping cost - shipping credit) + (vcf + (vcf * vat))) / (1 - (percent comission * vat) - margin)
If an item is FBA, the calculation looks like this:
- FBA inbound shipping uses Amazon’s discounted UPS shipping rates as offered through Seller Central. You can edit the formula used in Settings > Shipping Carriers.
- FBA fees consists of two fees designated by Amazon: fulfillment fee (weight handling, order handling, and pick and pack) and monthly storage.
These numbers are all used to calculate your Minimum Price. The system will never price below your item’s Minimum Price.
Under your calculated Minimum Price, you’ll see the target price + shipping (this is determined by your pricing filters and rules and is the price used to set your price against) and under that is your final price + shipping as well as an estimated profit.
The FBA minimum price calculation looks like this:
((cost + (cost * markup)) + fbaFees + (vcf + (vcf * vat))) / (1 - (percent comission * vat) - margin)
Once Sellery has determined an item's final price, it can estimate your profit should the item sell at that price. Sellery does this by subtracting your item's costs (COGS, shipping, Amazon fees) from the final price.
Price History
There's no better place to keep track of prices and get an overview of how any listing was repriced in time. The Price History tab allows you to see the prices your listing had, before what Sellery is displaying as your current price in the Pricing Log tab.
You can hover over the small dots to see extra details on any price change, such as the price the listing had, the date when that price was calculated, the strategy that was used, the ownership of the BuyBox and what the BuyBox price was at that time.
On the right side of the tab you will notice three main options that will help you easily handle the chart.
The Pan option - clicking on this option allows dragging, in order to visualize prices in time. Once you reach the date you were looking into, you can click on the Pan option one more time and the grid will remain stuck on the selected time period.
The Box Zoom option - once this option is marked as checked, you will just need to select the area in the chart you want to zoom into.
The Reset option allows resetting the grid's view to it's initial state, before zooming into a specific period of time.