General Settings in Profit Bandit on iPhone

General Settings is the first section that you'll see in Profit Bandit's Settings menu.



Amazon Location

Selecting a country will set Profit Bandit to scan on that marketplace. For example, selecting UK will tell Profit Bandit to start looking up items you scan on

Once a new venue is selected, you will be directed to a SellerCentral login page.

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Profit Display Type

Profit Bandit can display your Profit Calculation as either a number (displayed in local currency), as a Margin % or as ROI (return on investment) %.

Profit Bandit calculates Margin % based on Profit and Sell Price.

The Profit Margin equation: Margin % = (Profit / Sell Price) * 100Profit Bandit calculates ROI % based on Profit and Buy Cost.

The ROI equation: ROI % = (Profit / Buy Cost) * 100

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