The FBA Settings are located below the Restriction Settings.
Seller Type
This option allows you to set your default Profit Calculation. If you sell mostly FBA, then select FBA.
Remember that you can compare FBA and MFN profits on the Profit Calculation detail screen. However, the option you have selected here will always be used as the default.
Sell Price Based on FBA
Selecting Yes for this option will use the lowest displayed FBA offer as your default Selling Price for calculating your profit. If no FBA offer is available, the lowest offer in the condition you have selected will be used.
Remember that you can always change your Selling Price by tapping on any offer or adjusting the amount next to the Sell $.
Inbound Shipping Rate
When calculating your FBA fees, Profit Bandit uses the item's weight (as shown on Amazon) and multiplies it by whatever you have entered in this setting.
By default, your inbound shipping rate is set to 30 cents per pound.
Important Note: If you make a change, remember to use whole numbers, like 50 (five-zero) cents per pound, not $0.50 (zero-point-five-zero dollars).
Second Important Note: If you're not seeing FBA Inbound Shipping on an item, it's possible that there's no weight for that item in the Amazon catalog. Check on Profit Bandit's home screen to confirm.
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