If you come across an item that doesn't have a barcode or if the barcode is damaged or crossed through, you can still look it up on Profit Bandit on your Android phone.
Use the manual search box at the top of Profit Bandit's home screen and enter an ISBN, a barcode, an ASIN or any key words that you'd like to search.
If Profit Bandit finds multiple matching items, you'll see a screen like this:
Simply select the item you'd like to review and tap Done.
Do you see the number after the # sign?
Like: #60, 141 sellers [Toys and Games]...
That refers to the item's sales rank. That means that in the highlighted item above, the item has a sales rank of 60 in the Toys and Games category.
If you'd like to see this list of search results again, tap the item title at the top of the screen and scroll down to "Show Search Results Again."
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