Is there a way to clone / duplicate reprice schemas?

For each reprice schema you create the software generates a .XML file so to clone a reprice schema all you need to do is create a copy of it in the same folder; please follow steps below:

  • Navigate to the SellerEngine Plus installation folder on your computer; to do this right-click on the SellerEngine Plus shortcut then choose "Open file location"; the default location for the installation folder is: C:\Users\*User name*\AppData\Roaming\SellerEngine Plus\
  • go in to the 'db' folder, then in to the 'reprice' subfolder, and you'll find all your reprice schema files; choose the one you want to duplicate, create copies of it and rename them however you like;
  • Now you can go back to the software and in the first step of the Reprice Rules Wizard you'll be able to modify the previously cloned schemas.
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