What is inventory management in Sellery?

The Inventory Management option is found in: Settings > General > Inventory:


You can check this box to disable Sellery’s inventory management. If checked, Sellery will not add or remove any listing or adjust quantity for any items. All quantity management will need to be done through Seller Central or another application. Those changes will then import into Sellery every 4-6 hours. Upon checking the box, you will see this warning:


If you check this box and save and later change your mind, when you go back into Settings > General to uncheck the box, Sellery will also disable uploads to all accounts in the system. You will see this warning:


Please note that Sellery will disable your uploads when you select ‘Yes’ to proceed. Please verify your quantities and prices are correct before navigating to Settings > Accounts and re-enabling the ‘Manage my listings’ slider on all accounts.

Remember to always Save after making any changes to your settings!

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