How to import a Buy List from Profit Bandit to SellerEngine Plus and create new listings with the items in it


Not sure what the Buy List is? Read more about it here


►Get the Buy List from Profit Bandit on to your computer

For Android: from the top-right corner of the screen tap Settings > View Buy List, tap Settings again and choose the Email as CSV file option.

For iOS: tap the Buy List button found in the bottom-left corner of the screen then tap the Email CSV button

Before you continue to the next step you might want to read our FAQs on the following topics:

• How to import and tweak the Buy List in Excel

 How to calculate total costs in a Profit Bandit BuyList to import it as 'Paid Price' in SellerEngine Plus



►Import the file in SellerEngine Plus

In SellerEngine Plus click Import > Import From File, click Next, then browse to the location of the Buy List file, choose Profit Bandit File as your predefined format and click Next.

The items will show up at the end of your inventory list once they've been imported and you'll need to run a price check using 'Get New Price Data and Reprice' to retrieve additional and most up to date information for each item from Amazon.



►Create new merchant-fulfilled listings

Step 1: Generate SKUs 

First you will need to generate SKUs for the imported items. Select them, right-click on selection and choose 'Reassign SKU values', check that SKU Configuration is set correctly and click Regenerate.

Step 2: Price the items 

With the items selected, click the 'Edit' button and in the 'Edit Inventory Items' window, under Selling details choose what reprice schema to use from the dropdown. Next click the 'Get New Price Data and Reprice' button.

Step 3: Upload to Amazon

After generating merchant SKUs and prices for each item you can now create the listings. Leave all items selected and click 'Upload' > 'Add new items'. That's it! The items will be listed as merchant fulfilled on your Amazon account as soon as Amazon is finished with processing your upload - this may take a few minutes.



►Create new FBA listings

To create FBA listings repeat Steps 1 & 2, but then select all items from the Buy List, right click on selection and choose 'Add to shipment'. This will add the items to new and already existing Working status shipments in your FBA Shipments Manager.

When you're done working on the shipments and you register them as Shipped you will need to select all items in the shipments and click 'Upload' > 'Add new items'


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