How do I reconnect Sellery with Amazon SP-API?

If your Sellery account has lost its SP-API connection, you will see this warning displayed at the top of your account:


Sellery can lose access to SP-API if your account is suspended or placed under review by Amazon or if you disconnect it manually from your Seller Central account.

If this happens and you'd like to reconnect Sellery, there are 2 ways to do this. The fastest way to reconnect Sellery is to click on the dialog box, and your connection will be automatically re-established. If you would like to manually authorize Sellery please follow the instructions below: 

  1. You must be logged into Sellery.
  2. You should be logged into Amazon with the account you want to authorize.
  3. Go here:
  4. Click the "Authorize Now" button on the right:1.png

From the next page you will select Sellery on your list of apps where you can then authorize the app. This starts the pipeline for you to authorize us and if it works you will be redirected back to Sellery.

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