BuyBoxBuyddy Tool Overview



Buy Box Buddy is an automated repricing tool very easy to set and use, coming from SellerEngine, the pioneers in Amazon repricing. 


BuyBoxBuddy offers Amazon sellers two key features/modules: repricing and performance insights. 

Performance insights are conveyed via the  smart lists that allow sellers to see breakdowns of their inventory into different meaningful categories. 


BuyBoxBuddy is a single-page web based application with three main sections: 

  1. Sales chart.
  2. Smart lists.
  3. Inventory display. 


All the three above-mentioned sections are correlated with each other. 


Select one smart list and the sales chart and inventory display will show items under that respective smart list. Each of these is further explained below. 


Repricing is turned off by default when signed into the tool. 


Before turning on repricing, you can use the smart lists to explore the inventory by different relevant categories proposed by each smart list, while the inventory is imported by Buy Box Buddy. 


The BuyBoxbuddy interface allows users to hide the Sales Chart section when they would rather have more screen space for the inventory display.



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