This category hosts a list of 5 Smart Lists that offer you insight into the pricing scenario your items are.
It’s a good place to come and observe which of your items have strong potential to win and hold the Amazon Buy Box and thus grow your profits.
The Smart Lists under Pricing strategies are:
- Keep the buy box at a higher price
- No buy box - matching competition
- No competition
- Sharing the Buy Box
- Fighting for the Buy Box
- Match my own offer
How is it calculated:
Pricing Strategies are different states of the optimizer (intelligent repricing algorithm), that is set to win the Buy Box and to keep it at a higher price when possible. This means that the repricer will raise, lower, hold the price, match competitions’ price, depending on the competitive environment (Buy Box price & competitions’ price changes). The algorithm is designed to avoid price wars. For the case in which there is more than one SKU for the same ASIN, the algorithm will assign one SKU as priority one (in terms of condition, fulfillment, etc.) and the other(s) will match the priority one SKU.